New Direction Festival

Wann: 07.06. - 09.06.2012
Wo: 71083 Herrenberg (Deutschland)
Strasse: Schießmauer 20
Genre: Hardcore, Punk, Crust

New Direction Festival - an international DIY Hardcore Punk Festival with three days of mixed music, party, politics, vegan/vegetarian food, workshops, sports, camping, hang out and hangover...
no nazis, no sexists, no tough guy shit...

Sookee, Nervöus, I Refuse, Danger! Danger!, Dean Dirg, Sniffing Glue, The Fight, The High Society, Blank Pages, Kyrest, Scheisse Minelli, Attack! Vipers!, The Boring, Alpinist, Agent Attitude, Foreign Objects, Overpower, Bent Cross, Vitamin X, Demenzia Kolektiva

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: New Direction Festival
Website: New Direction Festival

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