Rockin’ Park

Wann: 30.06.2012
Wo: 6532 AE Nijmegen (Holland)
Genre: Gemischt
Preis: VVK 69 Eur

The fourth edition of the Rockin Park festival will take place on Saturday 30 June. Rockin’ Park is a one-day rock/pop festival in the Goffertpark in Nijmegen, a city in the east of the Netherlands. The festival has two stages where the bands will perform in turn, so you will not miss a single note.

Snow Patrol, Elbow, dEUS, Flogging Molly, Selah Sue, The Temper Trap, Fink, De Staat, M. Ward, Here We Go Magic, Rams' Pocket Radio

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Rockin' Park
Website: Rockin' Park

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