We Are One Festival

Wann: 21.09. - 23.09.2012
Wo: 15328 Gorgast (Deutschland)
Strasse: Im Fort Gorgast
Genre: House, Minimal, Elektro, Trance, Psytrance
Preis: 30 Eur | 1 Tag 20 Eur

The 2012 date indeed marks the completion of this World Age Cycle. Rather than something to fear, we can understand the 2012 Mayan prophecy as signalling us that we need to awaken and realize that these times on Earth are auspicious; we are living in land-mark times in the history of our planet. We are collectively in a cross-roads moment that is calling out to us to participate in our fullest capacity. We are each being summoned to bring our inspiration and empowerment to the fore, as we must all take our places in transforming our human culture to be one of Harmony - with ourselves, with each other and with all of Nature.

Together we are in a great initiation process, living in times of unprecedented challenge, transformation and opportunity. This planetary moment has never existed before as it does right now. Our human population is climbing off the charts, accelerating by the day, as is our environmental crises and the vast whole-system struggles of peoples worldwide, both physically and spiritually. The old world mentality, founded in separation, greed, ignorance, and unconscious consumer materialism, has reached dangerous peaks. Simultaneously, there has never been so much possibility at our fingertips as there is right now. A new paradigm is trying to emerge in our world, through our hearts and minds, like a flower trying to grow through the cracks in the cement sidewalk. New comprehensions and new solutions are emerging in our collective journey - from new sciences, to new economic models, new healing modalities, new energy technologies, new educational models, new forms of conflict resolution, etc. These times of crisis are unifying us and catalyzing us to awaken to our personal and collective responsibilities in this one planetary equation.

This is why we try a new concept of Festival, more aware, spiritual, ecological and family friendly

To achieve it we offer:

- Children safe area with activities
- Cinema Room pres. several informative documentaries
- Vegetarian Food Stands
- Wellness Center with Yoga, Meditation, Health Workshops, Massages and several Therapies
- Spiritual Initiations in charge of Ananda Marga, where you will get your sanskrit name and your personal mantra
- Prout Progressive Utilization Theory Teachings and Info
- We ask our guests to avoid the intake of hard drugs, overconsume of Alcohol and any other body damaging substances. Try to have fun taking care of your bodies and fall in trance with the music :)
- Plenty of Camping area in a beautiful forest with access to the river where you can jump in case of good weather :)
- Be friendly and aware of pets and children
- Bathrooms and Showers available
- Leave your camping space clean, dont drop your cigarettes on the ground, take your own ashtrays and plastic bags, take care of nature!

Atma, Audiodidacts, Blanx, Comatic, Cortex, Critical Taste, Digital-Efx, Electric Shimana, Erot, Estefano Haze, Gollu, Imox Maya, Kalilaskov AS, L.m.t., Mack Yidhaky, Mixtll, M.y Project, Moment, Nitya Prema, Nomis, Pepz, Psychophysical Transcripts, Spektral Audio, Sarvo, Sonic Mind, Sunlight Society

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: We Are One Festival
Website: We Are One Festival

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