Her damit – Festival im Exil

Wann: 09.06. - 11.06.2017
Wo: 12277 Berlin (Deutschland)
Genre: House, Techno, Electronic ...
Preis: VVK 79 € (inkl. Camping, +5 € Müllpfand)

We look back on two editions of Her Damit by the coast of the island of Rugia, among the shades of the "Colossus of Prora". Shortly after this year's festival it seemed as if there would be a chance to have Her Damit take place in Prora for one more time. Lacking any planning certainty and further prospects we have eventually decided to leave our former venue behind - and to move on.

The question wether to continue with Her Damit arose. After careful consideration we are absolutely convinced that over the last years we have created together with you and all the people involved something we cannot simply give up.

We haven't found the one venue yet at which Her Damit will be established permanently, but we have encountered a very special location that will serve as a worthy waypoint on our journey in 2017.

From the Baltic Sea we move to the surroundings of Berlin - approx. 50 km away from the capital. For a little while we will keep the location secret though. However we will meanwhile provide you with some visual impressions of what to expect "in exile" - the proven Her Damit rave ambience will definitely not missed!

Juan Atkins, Abdre, Cormac, Damnitsdisco, Discoboxer, Dax J, Freddy K, Italojohnson, K_arim, Karl Ferdinand, Kim Ann Foxman, Konstantin Sibold, Leif Müller, Mall Grab, Marcel Fengler, Modig, Nd_baumecker, Oliver Deutschmann, Phase Fatale, Sandrien, Smallpeople, Somewhen, TRP, Dj Yamaho, Janice, Kia

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Her damit - Festival im Exil
Website: Her damit - Festival im Exil

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