Wann: 25.05.2019
Wo: 55566 Bad Sobernheim (Deutschland)
Strasse: Am Domberg 30
Genre: Hardcore Techno, Hardstyle, Techno, Hardtekk, Hard Techno, Hardtechno, Thrashcore ...
Preis: VVK 49,50 €
Germany prepares for the arrival of the hardest happening of the nation.
A brand-new festival alliance by the creators of Syndicate will present a gathering that is powered by the pure forces of hardcore, hardstyle, hardtechno, hardtech and rawstyle.
Divided over 5 raging stages, Revolt will unleash the most rebellious harder styles legion that the country has ever seen.
Join the Revolt or face the fatal consequences.
Angerfist, Radical Redemption, Warface, Atmozfears, Partyraiser, Korsakoff, Dj Mad Dog, Digital Punk, Dj AniMe, E-Force, Destructive Tendencies, B-Front, Code Black, Candy Cox, BMG, Nosferatu, Tha Playah, Re-Style, PetDuo, Minupren, Sub Sonik, Keltek, Noize Suppressor, Act of Rage, Crypsis, Deadly Guns
Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Revolt
Website: Revolt
Wo: 55566 Bad Sobernheim (Deutschland)
Strasse: Am Domberg 30
Genre: Hardcore Techno, Hardstyle, Techno, Hardtekk, Hard Techno, Hardtechno, Thrashcore ...
Preis: VVK 49,50 €
Germany prepares for the arrival of the hardest happening of the nation.
A brand-new festival alliance by the creators of Syndicate will present a gathering that is powered by the pure forces of hardcore, hardstyle, hardtechno, hardtech and rawstyle.
Divided over 5 raging stages, Revolt will unleash the most rebellious harder styles legion that the country has ever seen.
Join the Revolt or face the fatal consequences.
Angerfist, Radical Redemption, Warface, Atmozfears, Partyraiser, Korsakoff, Dj Mad Dog, Digital Punk, Dj AniMe, E-Force, Destructive Tendencies, B-Front, Code Black, Candy Cox, BMG, Nosferatu, Tha Playah, Re-Style, PetDuo, Minupren, Sub Sonik, Keltek, Noize Suppressor, Act of Rage, Crypsis, Deadly Guns
Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Revolt
Website: Revolt