Sonic Rock Solstice

Wann: 20.06. - 24.06.2024
Wo: B60 4AL Bromsgrove (England)
Strasse: Westonhall Rd
Genre: Space Rock, Progressive Rock, Psychedelic Rock, Punk, Psychedelic Jazz, Psytrance ...
Preis: VVK 94,50 £

Das Sonic Rock Solstice ist ein Space Rock/Progressive Rock Festival, das auf dem Stoke Prior Space Port (Stoke Prior Sports & Country Club) in Bromsgrove stattfindet.

Jah Wobble, Hawklords, Amy Montgomery, David Smale, The Endings, Dr Hasbeen, Square Wild, Lords Of Form, The Trance Dimensionals, Percy, Rage Dc, Sister Sandwich, Dactyl Terra, Scott Hepple And The Sun Band, Dan Spanner Trio, Modular Theory, The Bullfrogs

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Sonic Rock Solstice
Website: Sonic Rock Solstice

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