Prog Power

Wann: 04.10. - 06.10.2024
Wo: 5991 XC Baarlo (Holland)
Strasse: Hoogstraat 1a
Genre: Progressive Metal, Alternative Rock, Progressive Rock, Progressive Death Metal, Power Metal ...
Preis: VVK 99,71 €

ProgPower Europe is in te first place a music festival, promoting the progressive rock/metal scene in a very wide range. Not only well-known names are booked, we also give upcoming talents a chance. In total 14 bands are booked, 2 for Friday evening, 6 for both Saturday and Sunday. Already the first bands wil get an hour playing time. We prefer not to book too many bands. This is the musical concept of the festival.

Pure Reason Revolution, Maestrick, Sadist, Madder Mortem, Apotheus, Terra, No Terror In The Bang, Enma, Caligula's Horse, Crimson Glory, The Anchoret, Ou, Ions, Ursa

Weitere Infos:
Festivalticker: Prog Power
Website: Prog Power

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